

韩力,博士,教授,博士研究生导师。现就职于东北大学生命科学与健康学院微生物药物研究所。2000年北京大学医学部获得药物化学学士学位;2005年于北京大学医学部获得生药学博士学位。迄今为止获得多项国家和省部级课题资助,在国际期刊《J Med Chem》、《Bioorg Chem》、《J Nat Prod》、《Phytochemistry》等杂志发表SCI 收录文章80余篇,参编专著2部,获批国家发明专利3项。






1、国家自然科学基金项目:新放线菌资源姜氏菌目菌株抗炎活性成分挖掘和作用机制研究 (81573327)

2、国家自然科学基金项目:珍稀动物粪便放线菌活性次生代谢产物研究 (81072553)

3、国家自然科学基金项目:极端环境放线菌抗肿瘤活性代谢产物研究 (20602041)


1. Aobulikasimu, N.; Lv, H.; Guan, P.; Cao, L.; Huang, X.*; Han, L.*, Levistolide A ameliorates fibrosis in chronic kidney disease via modulating multitarget actions in vitro and in vivo. Life Sciences 2023, 121565.

2. Zhang, Z.; Xu, W.; Xu, L.; Li, G.; Aobulikasimu, N.; Gao, J.; Hu, Y.; Guan, P.; Mu, Y.; Huang, X.*; Han, L.*, Discovery, preliminary structure-activity relationship, and evaluation of oleanane-type saponins from Pulsatilla chinensis for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023, 66(5), 3635-3647.

3. Wu, W.; Mu, Y.; Tan, J.; Wang, Z.; Zhang, C.; Li, G.; Jin, Y.; Huang, X.*; Han, L.*, Discovery of antibacterial agents targeting biofilm formation: total synthesis and in vitro investigation of amycolasporins. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2022, 20 (34), 6831-6843.

4. Qu, X.; Guan, P.; Xu, L.; Liu, B.; Li, M.; Xu, Z.; Huang, X.*; Han, L.*, Riligustilide alleviates hepatic insulin resistance and gluconeogenesis in T2DM mice through multitarget actions. Phytotherapy Research 2022, 36 (1), 462-474.

5. Li, G.; Zhang, Z.; Wu, M.; Chen, X.; Yin, M.*; Jiang, Y.*; Huang, X.; Jiang, C.; Han, L.*, The discovery of germacradienol synthase: Construction of genetically-engineered strain, glycosylated modification, bioactive evaluation of germacradienol. Bioorganic Chemistry 2022, 124, 105819.

6. Hu, C.; Li, G.; Mu, Y.; Wu, W.; Cao, B.; Wang, Z.; Yu, H.; Guan, P.; Han, L.*; Li, L.*; Huang, X.*, Discovery of anti-TNBC agents targeting PTP1B: total synthesis, structure-activity relationship, in vitro and in vivo investigations of jamunones. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2021, 64 (9), 6008-6020.

7. Wu, W.; Mu, Y.; Liu, B.; Wang, Z.; Guan, P.; Han, L.*; Jiang, M.*; Huang, X.*, Biomimetic synthesis and anti-inflammatory evaluation of violacin A analogues. Bioorganic Chemistry 2021, 111, 104898.

8. Qu, X.; Guan, P.; Han, L.*; Wang, Z.*; Huang, X., Levistolide A attenuates alzheimer's pathology through activation of the PPARgamma pathway. Neurotherapeutics 2021, 18 (1), 326-339.

9. Cao, B.; Guan, P.; Li, M.; Liu, B.; Xu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Han, L.*; Huang, X.*, New dihydro-beta-agarofuran sesquiterpenoids from Tripterygium wilfordii and their anti-inflammatory activity. Bioorganic Chemistry 2021, 114, 105140.

10. Liu, Q.; Mu, Y.; An, Q.; Xun, J.; Ma, J.; Wu, W.; Xu, M.; Xu, J.; Han, L.*; Huang, X.*, Total synthesis and anti-inflammatory evaluation of violacin A and its analogues. Bioorganic Chemistry 2020, 94, 103420.

11. Jin, Y.; Aobulikasimu, N.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, C.; Cao, B.; Lin, B.; Guan, P.; Mu, Y.; Jiang, Y.*; Han, L.*; Huang, X.*, Amycolasporins and dibenzoyls from lichen-associated Amycolatopsis hippodromi and their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory activities. Journal of Natural Products 2020, 83 (12), 3545-3553.

12. Ma, J.; Cao, B.; Chen, X.; Xu, M.; Bi, X.; Guan, P.; Jiang, Y.*; Xu, J.; Han, L.*; Huang, X., Violacin A, a new chromanone produced by Streptomyces violaceoruber and its anti-inflammatory activity. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2018, 28 (5), 947-951.

13. Liu, C.; Jiang, Y.*; Wang, X.; Chen, D.; Chen, X.; Wang, L.; Han, L.*; Huang, X.; Jiang, C., Diversity, antimicrobial activity, and biosynthetic potential of cultivable actinomycetes associated with lichen symbiosis. Microbial Ecology 2017, 74 (3), 570-584.

14. Lei, H.; Lin, X.; Han, L.*; Ma, J.; Dong, K.; Wang, X.; Zhong, J.; Mu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Huang, X.*, Polyketide derivatives from a marine-sponge-associated fungus Pestalotiopsis heterocornis. Phytochemistry 2017, 142, 51-59.

15. Ma, Q.; Han, L.*; Bi, X.; Wang, X.; Mu, Y.; Guan, P.; Li, L.; Huang, X.*, Structures and biological activities of the triterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids from Alisma orientale. Phytochemistry 2016, 131, 150-157.






E-mail: hanli@mail.neu.edu.cn