


郭闯,男,医学博士,教授,博士研究生导师,现就职于东北大学生命科学与健康学院神经科学研究所,并兼任辽宁省解剖学会常务理事和神经科学学会理事。从事《人体解剖学》和《病理学及病理生理学》教学工作多年,具备丰富的教学经验。入职以来主持与参与国家自然科学基金课题课题多项,指导和协助指导博士研究生7人(毕业5人),培养硕士研究生20余人。近年来,发表国内外学术论文30余篇。其中,在SCI收录期刊第一和通讯作者发表学术论文20篇,单篇他引次数100次以上的学术论文3篇,包括发表在生物学领域TOP期刊Redox BiologyESI高被引论文1篇。发表在医学领域TOP期刊NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY的论文获辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖二等奖和沈阳市一等奖。目前主要在神经科学领域进行前瞻性研究,研究主要围绕脑内铁离子代谢与神经退行性疾病的发病机理与防治,以及糖脂代谢紊乱与神经退行性疾病的关联机制开展。





1. Guo JJ, Yue F, Song DY, Bousset Luc, Liang X, Tang J, Yuan L, Li W, Ronald Melki, Tang Y, Chan P, Guo C*(通讯作者), and Li JY*. Intranasal administration of α-synuclein preformed fibrils triggers microglial iron deposition in the substantia nigra of Macaca fascicularis. Cell Death & Disease. 2021, 12(1):81.

2. Guo C*(通讯作者), Xue H, Guo T, Zhang W, Xuan WQ, Ren YT, Wang D , Chen YH, Meng YH, Gao HL, Zhao P. Recombinant human lactoferrin attenuates the progression of hepatosteatosis and hepatocellular death by regulating iron and lipid homeostasis in ob/ob mice. Food Function. 2020, 11(8):7183-7196.

3. Fan YG, Pang ZQ, Wu TY, Zhang YH,Xuan WQ, Wang Z, Yu X, Li YC, Guo C *(通讯作者), Wang ZY*. Vitamin D deficiency exacerbates Alzheimer-like pathologies by reducing antioxidant capacity. Free Radic Biol Med. 2020, 161:139-149.

4. Fan YG,  Guo T, Han XR, Liu JL, Cai YT, Xue H, Huang XS, Li YC, Wang ZY*, Guo C*(通讯作者). Paricalcitol accelerates BACE1 lysosomal degradation and Inhibits calpain-1 dependent neuronal loss in APP/PS1 transgenic mice. EBioMedicine. 2019,45:393-407.

5. Xu SF, Zhang YH, Wang S, Pang ZQ, Fan YG, Li JY, Wang ZY*, Guo C*(通讯作者). Lactoferrin ameliorates dopaminergic neurodegeneration and motor deficits in MPTP-treated mice. Redox Biology.2019, 21(101090): 1-13.

6. Zhang YH, Wang DW, Xu SF, Zhang S, Fan YG, Yang YY, Guo SQ, Wang S, Guo T, Wang ZY*, Guo C*(通讯作者). α-Lipoic acid improves abnormal behavior by mitigation of oxidative stress, inflammation, ferroptosis, and tauopathy in P301S Tau transgenic mice. Redox Biology. 2018, 14:535-548.

7. Guo C, Yang ZH, Zhang S, Chai R, Xue H, Zhang YH, Li JY, Wang ZY*. Intranasal lactoferrin enhances α-secretase-dependent amyloid precursor protein processing via the ERK1/2-CREB and HIF-1α pathways in an Alzheimers disease mouse model. Neuropsychopharmacology.2017, 42(13): 2504-2515.

8. Xue H, Chen D, Zhong YK, Zhou ZD, Fang SX, Li MY, Guo C*(通讯作者). Deferoxamine ameliorates hepatosteatosis via several mechanisms in ob/ob mice. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2016, 1375(1):52-65.

9. Guo C*(通讯作者), Zhang YX, Wang T, Zhong ML, Yang ZH, Hao LJ, Chai R, Zhang S. Intranasal deferoxamine attenuates synapse loss via up-regulating the P38/HIF-1α pathway on the brain of APP/PS1 transgenic mice. Front Aging Neurosci. 2015, 7(104).

10. Guo C, Wang T, Zheng W, Shan ZY, Teng WP, Wang ZY*. Intranasal deferoxamine reverses iron-induced memory deficits and inhibits amyloidogenic APP processing in a transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. Neurobiology of Aging.2013, 34: 562–575.






E-mail: guoc@mail.neu.edu.cn